Siddharth Construction

Terrace gardening 2022 – Advantages, disadvantages, and costs

Terrace gardening 2022 – Advantages, disadvantages, and costs What are the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of terrace gardening? Terrace gardening 2022 – Advantages, disadvantages, and costs? Are terrace gardens beneficial? What are the advantages & disadvantages of terrace gardening?disadvantages of terrace gardeningTerrace/roof gardening is becoming a booming concept across all cities. In this blog, we […]

How do you obtain building plan approval or planning permission in Chennai?

How do you obtain building plan approval or planning permission in Chennai? To convert a piece of land into a viable building plot, planning permission or building plan approval is required. This blog will explain the process of obtaining government plan approval for both residential and commercial projects, as well as the importance, cost, and […]

The 10 Most Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Builder

The 10 Most Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Builder Hiring the right building contractor for your house construction can transform the entire experience. In this blog, I will discuss the 10 most important questions to ask before hiring a building contractor. Choosing the right contractor is critical because it will affect the project’s […]

What is Setback in housing? Need for Setback and CMDA Norms

What is Setback in housing? Need for Setback and CMDA Norms In Chennai, what should the setback be for houses? The setback concept has been implemented in order to increase the quality of air circulation around the building and to aid in the prevention of fire spreading to adjacent plots, FSI is especially important in […]

5 Important tips for designing small living room

5 Important tips for designing small living room When it comes to design, all spaces present a challenge. However, when it comes to designing a small living room, a space where you will most likely spend the majority of your time (and certainly the one where guests will spend the most time), the space must […]

What is the best sleeping direction as per Vastu?

what is the best sleeping direction as per vastu? Vastu bed directions are guidelines for sleeping in a way to attracts positive vibes and repels bad traits. Each position has a significant impact on the sleeping people. However, you are permitted to stay with your head in any manner, according to Vastu. EXCEPT IN THE […]

River sand vs M sand

River sand vs M sand M sand Manufactured sand (M-Sand) is a building material made by destroying hard rocks into small soil angular shaped particles, afterward cleaning and properly filtering them. For construction purposes, it is a superior alternative to River Sand. Why Manufactured Sand is Used? River sand can be replaced by manufactured sand. […]

What is the difference between FR and FRLS Cables?

What is difference between FR and FRLS cable? What is FRLS cable? Flame Retardant Low Smoke Cable is an abbreviation for Flame Retardant Low Smoke Cable. These cables are fire resistant and are used in areas where there is a higher risk of fire. The presence of a Flame Retardant Low Smoke PVC compound in […]

Strategies and techniques to reduce energy consumption costs in Homes

Strategies to reduce energy consumption costs in Homes Good architecture is the right balance of aesthetics and usefulness, the greatest builders will strive for a design that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly while also pleasant to the eye. When considering an economically feasible approach, particularly in the case of home designs, it is important […]

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