Siddharth Construction

Terrace gardening 2022 – Advantages, disadvantages, and costs

What are the advantages, disadvantages, and costs of terrace gardening? Terrace gardening 2022 – Advantages, disadvantages, and costs?

Are terrace gardens beneficial? What are the advantages & disadvantages of terrace gardening?
disadvantages of terrace gardening
Terrace/roof gardening is becoming a booming concept across all cities. In this blog, we will explain why a terrace garden is necessary? Is it complicated to set up? How much does it cost? What are its advantages?

Where can I find information about terrace gardening?
Why do we need terrace/roof gardens?
How can it be set up and maintained?
How much does terrace gardening cost in Chennai?
Do terrace gardens have any disadvantages?

We will be addressing all the above-mentioned questions in detail in the following blog. You can skip to any of the questions by clicking on them, however, we recommend you to read the entire blog to develop a thorough understanding of the topic.

1Where can I find information about terrace gardening?

Terrace gardening refers to planting a garden on a building’s roof or terrace rather than on the ground. As there is not enough space in the ground for a garden to be built, it has become very famous in metropolitan cities because it can either be used for functional purposes with plants that grow vegetables and fruits or as a decorative feature with attractive plants that grow flowers.

2. Why do we need terrace/roof gardens?

” To protect us and save our money”
In the past 15-20 years, a 1 KG tomato cost around Rs.5. Its price is now Rs.50/kg. Within the next 10 years, it will rise to Rs.500/kg. In that case, a family of four will have to pay Rs.50,000/month just to buy vegetables. Having a terrace garden can cost as little as Rs.5000. Besides saving money, it also has a number of other benefits.
Fresh and pesticide-free fruits and vegetables
It keeps the building cooler
Rainwater is collected and used
Nature keeps us close to it
Taking a walk in the terrace garden can help you reduce stress for 15-20 minutes
Contributes to reducing pollution
As well as medicinal plants, you can grow herbs
Gives the house a visually appealing appearance
Terrace gardening could help you avoid long queues at the market during Corona lockdown, where people paid a premium price for vegetables.

3. How can it be set up and maintained?

The layout is the first step in constructing a terrace garden.
What is the size of your living space?
What number of plants do you require?
Plants of what kind?
What is your plan for placement?
Having prepared a layout yourself answers all these questions. Once you have the layout, you will be halfway there. Depending on the layout, you can seek the assistance of a terrace garden expert you can find online (you can search for terrace garden dealers) based on the layout. To verify their work, you can speak to them, check out their previous work, and ask their existing customers. Moreover, you can consult the dealers for expert advice, because some of them do this work out of sheer passion rather than just to make money. Just talking to them will help you to identify people like them. Last but not least, if you need expert help setting up the garden, you can hire a contractor like cityrene builders who will provide terrace gardening for their customers while they build their home. You can find them at hire and build.

4. How much does terrace gardening cost in Chennai?

On average it might cost Rs.100-150/sft. However, there are several other factors that need to be considered as well.
Plants you are going to grow
Growing your plants in grow bags, pots, plastic cans, etc.
Your choice of watering system, automatic or manual
Surface type, if the building is new, the terrace is in good condition, so it does not require waterproofing. If it is an old building, the terrace does require waterproofing.

5. Do terrace gardens have any disadvantages?

There are very few disadvantages of terrace gardening compared with its benefits. However, setting up a terrace garden is not without challenges.
A terrace garden must be waterproofed properly before it can be installed, or the roof may leak
A terrace without a proper slope may stagnate water between the plants during rains
Since the wind speed in the terrace is higher than that at ground level, the plants must be protected to prevent them from getting damaged.
As a result of the shedding of dry leaves, maintenance and cleaning might be required.
Pests and insects can be present in the terrace garden, necessitating frequent attention

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